a tiny nubbin bed…

Ella is 19 months and officially A BIG GIRL (or so she thinks/acts). A month ago we switched her to a toddler bed. I was slightly worried about the switch….and by slightly I mean, I was sure she would be able to get out of bed, open the door, climb over the railing and fall down the stairs. But NOT ELLA- she was all “SO? BIG DEAL..I am in a big girl bed”. She took to it like a champion. Read More

rest my head upon a pillow…

Nathan’s grandmother had one of these calendar tea towels for every year. When she passed last year, I inherited a few. They were all used and stained, but I loved them. I decided to make this one into a pillow- I am no seamstress, but I think it turned out pretty cute AND it is a great memory of Nana. BEFORE: AFTER: cheers! sarah