a heart of a warrior…

This is the latest addition to our lovely home… SO, remember when I said how much I like THIS piece from etsy? Well, I decided to do my version of it on some old barn wood that I stole from my brother-in-law. I knew I needed Nathan’s help on this one, so I asked him if he wanted to do a “together” project. I braced myself for the oh-man-not-another-together-project-look….but instead he was like “oh cool”. THEN, before mothers day he Read More

you are my sunshine…

Found this on Etsy. Naturally, with my next large chunk of money that I have floating around, I would love to purchase one: I love it SO much. I think it would be PERFECT for our living room. Don’t think I haven’t dropped SEVERAL HINTS that were NOT SUBTLE at all to my husband who is perfectly capable of either buying me this or making me one similar…. cheers! sarah