keeping it wheel

Yeah. This is my new fav shirt. No one is allowed to say they don’t like it. My 2 yr old took the photo. She totally has a future in photography. Photography without heads. Weekend/508 update. 1. You might be wondering…what the heck has she been doing? The answer? ADD. I have been working quite a bit, actually….just never on the same stuff. There are 4 peices that are halfway done right now and one that is complete but not Read More

look at this: i love lamp

Could not want that lamp more if I tried. And the blanket…..AHHHHH! The Swedish in me likes this bed a whole lot too: I really just can’t get enough of all this fabulous color! Check out IDA interior LifeStyle {or on Flickr here)….the girl has some serious crochet going on, beautiful spaces and great photos…the colors are so inspiring to me. Thanks Ilaria for sharing your beautiful images! Cheers! sarah